Please click on the following links to view our current agreement.
Master Agreement 2024-2027
Salary Scale 2024-2025
Salary and Supplemental Salary Scales
2022-2023 Supplemental Salary Scale
UPDATED- FMLA Guidelines (Appendix A)
Non-Member Information
If a non-member has a question regarding a contract issue, the following fee scale will be implemented. A person may join COACE and become a member at any time, but if joining after September 1st, you must wait 30 days to receive benefits. This does not pertain to new-hires.
- Initial contact with building rep – no charge
- Initial contact with COACE president – no charge
- Additional contact with any Executive Board member will require a $250 retainer and fees for Executive Board will be set at $70 an hour.
- Legal fees – $175/hour
Addendums/Agreements to the 2017-2020 Master Agreement
Mediation Agreement for Salary Committee
Previous Salary Scales