Grievance Form– form used to file a grievance per Article 6
Sick Bank Form– In the event it becomes necessary, each school will establish a sick leave bank for the use of all teachers in the school. See Article 14.4 for more information.
Elementary Substitution Compensation Form– form to submit for covering classes per Article 6.
High School Substitution Compensation Form– form to submit for covering classes per Article 6.
What’s Happening in Your School?– We would like to let members know events, activities or achievements happening in your school. Are you having a car wash, theatrical performance, flower sale, academic success, etc. We want to give a shout out to your school in the communication sent via email to our members.
Building Rep Information Form– Use this form to sign up to be a building rep.
Building Principal Form– To ensure building principals receive the COACE Newsletter, please fill out the form below and submit by September 1.
Teacher Retiree Form– This form is used to let COACE know of any teacher’s in your building that are retiring COACE member
In-Touch Form– Is someone in your building in need of well wishes or prayers? Please let us know.
Are You Looking for a School Visit?– COACE is here to talk to the members throughout the year through school visits. Please fill out the form and we will be in contact to arrange a time that is best for all.
Executive Board Application– application form due in order to run for one of the 2 positions: Elementary Rep and High School Rep
Application for Vice President or Treasurer– Application must be completed by March 15, 2025 in order to run for a seat on the board.